
My sweet Mama says, “expect nothing and appreciate everything.” For a long time, I disagreed with her (sorry Mama). I thought how can you expect good things to happen to you when you except nothing to happen? That’s not what she meant. She meant to expect nothing from people and appreciate everything they give you. Our relationships with people are a gift and every kind thing done to us or for us is a gift as well. Kindness is not owed to us. Appreciate it when it comes.

Friends, this world doesn’t owe you anything. When the world gives you something, appreciate it. Know that it was not owed to you and therefore it is a gift. Even the obstacles, they come to teach us. They are a gift as well. They are teaching you what you want, what matters, what doesn’t and what should.

Have an open heart and an open mind when it comes to opportunity. Don’t be bitter about not getting what you want. Don’t hold a grudge against people who have things you don’t. When opportunity comes your way, honor it, respect it and then decide what you want to do with it. Not every opportunity that comes your way is meant for you. Some come as a distraction from the bigger picture. Don’t chase the dollars or the titles. Chase the dream and chase the peace. It will never lead you wrong.

This is your one life. Do with it as you wish. Not what your Mama wishes, what you wish. Make your decisions thoughtfully and with peace in your heart. Live this beautiful life. And when something great comes along, appreciate it. Don’t expect people to behave a certain way, and don’t love them more when they do. Let people be who they are and appreciate all the effort they put forth on your behalf. Much love and appreciation sweet friends.