Fear Fuel

Fear lives and dies in our minds. When we are in fear, we cannot hear from our hearts. Our minds will always override our hearts – our minds speak much louder. It is not until we can completely still ourselves that we can tap into what our hearts are telling us and truly lead ourselves in the correct directions.

I have long thought, that fear is meant to stop us. It’s a deterrent. When fear is engaged, it is overwhelming. So think about it. If my heart wants me to do something, but my mind tells me to fear it, I’m not going to do it. I’m going to stay where I am. Sometimes inactivity is worse that a wrong decision because inactivity is stagnant. When we are too afraid to try, we are completely disengaged. We have become so afraid of losing that we won’t allow ourselves to win.

Friends, the next time you experience fear, my encouragement to you is to stop. Stop right where you are and evaluate the accuracy of your fear. Most of the time, our fears are not warranted or they are overblown. So many of us fear spiders but how many are actually harmful? Not many. The fear is irrational. Some of us fear rejection so strongly that we won’t engage in relationships. I don’t know a person who hasn’t had their heart broken in some way. But I have to tell you that we all root for and believe in love. Love always wins. That’s why so many people just keep trying once they get knocked down, the reward is worth the risk.

Next time you are in a situation that causes fear to arise, pay attention to your first instinct. Your body will react before your mind does. Before your mind catches up to you, in that split second reaction, you can tap into your heart. Right before your mind starts trying to talk you out of it. Use that fear as fuel for action. Stay engaged in your life friends, don’t let fear rule the day. Talk things through with wise friends, they can often identify your fear more easily than you can identify your own. Much love and fearless living sweet friends.