Feeling Fear vs. Fearful

Sometimes we have to make decisions in life that we don’t feel fully prepared for. When those situations arise, we often feel fear. We are uncertain and unsure about what path to take.

Making large decisions is very difficult for me, and it always has been. I am an over-analyzer and tend to see all the obstacles that could come against me in all directions. I am not a negative person, but my natural default in decision making is to be hesitant, cautious, and take the path of least resistance. But sometimes life has more for us than that.

I think, many times, we use our fear as an excuse to stay where we are. We feel fearful of change, so we stay paralyzed rather than in pursuit of bigger things. We use fear as a crutch or a roadblock. Friends, there is a difference between feeling fear and being fearful. I am not a fearful person, but I feel fear daily. I have to push through that feeling. If I don’t, I never grow and get better, I simply remain. I have to learn to push through and do it afraid.

Friends, lean in to the discomfort and the fear. Don’t let it stop you. If you do not have a deep sense that you shouldn’t do something, but have fear and reservation, don’t miss the opportunity. The fear will leave you eventually. Most of us fear change, but we shouldn’t let that fear stop us. Sometimes we have to take the first step afraid. Much love and brave decisions sweet friends.