Festive Frenzy

Here we are, nearing the end of our journey through what many call the most wonderful time of the year. If I’m being honest, I love this time of year. I truly do. I love the lights, the food, the gifts and the gatherings. I love myself a good celebration. But, if I’m also honest, its exhausting.

During the holiday season many of us lose our routines. The rhythms we naturally live in that allow us some rest, relaxation, peace and refreshing are lost for a time. Instead we squeeze gift wrapping in at the end of a long day. We substitute workouts for wine. We bake into the night rather than sleeping. We just can’t seem to get it all done.

Friends, this time of year is meant to be special. I know its a lot of work, trust me, I can overcomplicate a fountain pen. Over the years, I have lost a lot of joy during this season because I was too busy running to slow down and enjoy myself.

May I encourage you, today, to take a little time away from the hustle, to enjoy the magic of the season? To look forward to seeing family, rather than stressing about everyone getting along? Use a gift bag instead of wrapping another gift? What we put out there matters, it truly effects everything we do. When you put stress and anxiety out there, that’s what you get back. When you put joy and excitement out there, you’ll get that back.

Pause. Fix yourself a hot chocolate, grab one of those freshly baked cookies and go sit down for a minute. The people we love are the reason we do all this. Don’t get so caught up in the activity that you miss the connection. The frenzy has a tendency to steal our attention and shift our focus away from the purpose of all this. Love your people. They’ll love you rather you cook turkey or serve turkey sandwiches. Sometimes, its our own expectations that eat us alive. Release some of the pressure and grab some of the joy. Much love and fun this holiday season!