Finding the Wins

At the end of each day Jarrett asks me to share a win I had with him that day. It’s a practice that we try to do daily. Somedays the wins come to mind easily, other days I have to search hard for them. But if we are truthful, the more we look for them, the more we will see them. They are always there, in the small moments of life just waiting for us to notice.

Some days the wins come from a student-athlete popping into my office to tell me how their day is going. Some days I make a breakthrough on something I’ve been fighting for awhile to make more streamlined on campus. Other days my teams win big and I get to be a part of their win. I love sharing wins with them, it’s a pretty amazing sense of joy.

Over the weekend, we experienced some really big wins. Our volleyball team defeated an undefeated team at home in 3 sets. They played lights out, in front of a large, rowdy crowd. It was a great environment and they thrived in the energy. Our football team won 55-14 in their first home game of the year. Towards the end of the game one of the football players shouted to me, ”Ms Workman, I told you we were going to turn it around.” He had the biggest smile on his face and was so proud to have kept his word.

Friends, I cannot overshare how proud I am of the growth that I have seen over the last year. It is amazing. When I look back over the last year and a half I see wins everywhere. But so often in the moment, I missed them. Sometimes the days are really hard and my focus is on the difficulty. If you find yourself in a similar situation know that each battle is worth it. The victory may not be seen on the hard day, but the hardest days always lead to the biggest wins. Keep looking for ways to win the day. One step at a time. One battle at a time. One brick at a time, keep building. Much love and daily wins sweet friends.