Flipping Fear

Fear. We love to hate it. And we love to blame it for our short comings. We allow it to drive us and influence our decisions – but it isn’t the real issue. Jay Shetty states “We fear the wrong thing, what we should fear is that we will miss the opportunities fear offers. Fear can help us identify and address patterns of thinking and behaviors that don’t serve us.” Fear is one of our most significant teachers, if we will allow it to be. We are very aware of fears warning but we ignore its guidance.

Your fear is trying to tell you something, and it’s not always telling you what you expect it to. There is often much more to it than we think. Shetty also says, “If we learn to recognize what fear can teach us about ourselves and what we value, then we can use it as a tool to obtain greater meaning, purpose and fulfillment in our lives. We can use fear to get to the best of us.” The key to what you’re keeping hidden, often lies inside your fears. We use fear as a protection.

One of the things many of us fear most is failure. It’s a valid fear, but there’s so much more to it than that. To say you fear failure is too broad – what is driving that fear? Are you afraid you can’t please your parents? Are you afraid you are pretending to be something you aren’t and you will one day be exposed? Are you afraid you aren’t the person everyone thinks you are? The root of your fear exposes your values. We tend to fear whatever messes with our values.

I expect, this is the first of several conversations about fear that will occur over the next week. Start by evaluating your fears – next time you feel fear, dig into what the root of it is. Forget it’s surface value, what is driving it? Let it lead you to your values. If we learn to identify our true values, and allow them to be the drivers of our lives, we will live completely differently than the simple act of avoiding fear. Actively align your life with your values and watch how far it takes you. Much love and flipping fear sweet friends.