Focus Determines Direction

Gratitude is a discipline. That seems like an odd statement, but I have found it to be true. Three years ago, I started writing in a gratitude journal each day. I get up, pour myself a cup of coffee, and write down 10 things I am thankful for. Some days coffee makes the list, it doesn’t have to be complicated, it is a discipline in recognizing what we have, rather than starting our day seeing only our lack. Do you know that most of us, our first thought every morning is, “I didn’t get enough sleep.” We often start our days with a negative mindset and immediately see only what we lack.

On this, Thanksgiving Day, I am thankful for so many things. Today and everyday I am thankful for my family, the people in my life that love me, my ability to love others, the job that I have, the house that I live in, hot, fresh coffee, my health and wellness (both physical and mental) and the resources I have at my disposal. I live a very abundant life and I am so thankful for all that I have. I have learned, over the years, that my mindset matters so much. I can see what I have, or I can see what I don’t have, both require the same amount of energy. But my focus determines my direction. Don’t we all want to be headed more towards abundance than lack?

We are 100% responsible for our focus. And our focus determines our direction. Be very aware of where you focus your attention. Are you aware of all that you have? Are you aware of where your time and attention are going? Sometimes we just need to shift our focus, and everything comes into perspective. Today, become more aware of what you have, and less aware of what you lack. Happy Thanksgiving friends.