For and Not Against

My hometown plays for a state championship today. Very exciting day for the city of Post, TX. I am proud to be Bold Gold! I work in collegiate athletics but I fell in love with sports cheering under Friday night lights.

Over the years, I have noticed a shift in our culture. We used to be die hard for whatever we were for. Be it a sports team, a politician, a type of car or a way of life. We were adamantly in support of our chosen thing. Now it seems we are much more passionately against what we do not agree with. Have you noticed the shift?

Now, we don’t love the Dallas Cowboys, we HATE the Washington Redskins. We aren’t pro a political candidate, we are against a political candidate. We cheer against teams rather than for teams. It’s as if we have lost our own voices and forgotten our preferences, all we know now is what we don’t like. Honestly, it makes me really sad.

Do you recognize the negative energy associated with such a shift? Hate is a very ugly emotion and it breeds bad energy. Being passionately for something brings positive energy, which is also contagious. We are literally either spreading hate or spreading joy. It’s almost as if we are afraid to say we love something because someone is always so quick to point out that they do not like what we like. I can post a photo of a plate of cookies and someone will literally post the throwing up emoji. I truly don’t understand it.

Today, may I encourage you to be for whatever it is that you love? Be all in and in full support of your team, your candidate, your car, your life choices. Be more for what you love and less against what you don’t love. Passion is a very strong emotion but it is only positive when we use it to be for something rather than against something. Love the one you’re with, and leave the rest alone 🙂 much love and GO BOLD GOLD!