For the Love of Old Houses

I returned to Canyon yesterday to pack my few remaining items and have a garage sale. Most of my stuff was moved a few weeks ago, so the house is very empty. When I walked in yesterday, it no longer felt like my home. I took a moment to walk through each room and reminisce about things that took place here. Mostly, I thought about the people who helped me make this place a home.

I reflected back to my dad coming a week before I moved in to help me paint the house, I remember him sleeping on a cot in the empty living room so he could, “get started early.” I spent time admiring the shutters he and I built and painted to bring this little home to life. I thought of Leslie, sitting on the hard kitchen tile for hours, meticulously painting the floor. I thought of how carefully she stenciled my accent wall. I thought about my sweet Mama scraping paint off the bathtub (not sure why someone would paint a tub, but it was painted) and helping me hang everything in the right place. I thought of Casey, being crammed into the tiny master bathroom, painting it mint green. So many friends and family members have helped me make this place a home, and many more before it. So much love poured out helping me paint different homes and fix them up. What I realized is, the address may change, but these people will always show up for me. I am blessed beyond measure with people who show up, always.

This was my first purchased home. It was a dream of mine to buy a house myself and I did that. It is in the sweetest neighborhood and I have the best neighbors you could ever dream of having. One of them offered her home to us and our mamas this weekend while she is out of town. Last night, Jarrett and I made pallets in the floor of my house because I wanted to spend one more night here and he happily obliged me. This morning, as I drink my morning coffee in here, one more time, I am overwhelmed by the goodness in my life. The people, the place, the opportunities, the dreams…all of it. So much love.

Instead of sadness about leaving this house, I feel peace. I have prayed for the new owners and I hope they find as much happiness here as I have. I am so excited for what the future holds and all the sweet homes I will live in throughout my life. Conner Drive will always have a special place in my heart, until next time sweet home. Much love and bright futures sweet friends.