Forging Paths

I was reading something from Bob Goff this morning and he stated, “Don’t let the path of other people, make you second guess your own.” I wonder how many of the decisions we’ve made in life were for the sake of other people? I wonder how many times I chose to please others rather than being true to myself? Comparison is a slippery slope my friends.

I believe that there are few things more toxic than comparison. Nothing can ruin a good day faster than feeling less than or behind your peers. Lives are unique and holding them side by side, next to someone else’s, will always leave you feeling empty. Feeling like their homes are nicer, children more well behaved, careers more advanced, marriages stronger. You name it, we compare it. She’s nicer, prettier, skinner, more well mannered. Honestly, it’s gross.

Who decides the measuring stick? What makes someone prettier? Who decides prettier? Who decides what “well behaved” children look like? What does a good marriage look like? Sweet friends, whatever is right for you should be your measuring stick. If you are fully invested in and proud of the path you are forging, stay the course my friends. Keep your eyes on your own path. Advance at your own pace and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Own your path.

What’s great for me, may not work for you at all. What I place a high value on may not be where your values are. Don’t be afraid to buck the system. Follow your heart, your beliefs, your values and your timeline. This is your one shot at life, make sure you’re living the life that you want to be living. Make your choices based on your own beliefs and not the feelings of others. People don’t need to understand your choices. Much love and bold paths sweet friends.