Fresh Perspective

I’ve been at this daily writing thing since September 30th, I honestly never expected it to go this long, when I challenged myself to begin writing, my goal was to last through December, and I thought I would struggle to do that. Here I am, still writing. I’m thankful for the fresh perspective it brings me to gather my thoughts and write them down, it brings clarity.

This morning I read the following in The Obstacle is The Way by Ryan Holiday, “You don’t convince people by challenging their longest and most firmly held opinions. You find common ground and work from there.” This quote gave me such fresh perspective on how we approach life.

Friends, my goal here is never to change your mind or your opinion, never to lecture or demand. But to simply sit with you, share ideas, and bring fresh perspective. We are often so forceful in our opinions that we cannot respect the opinion of others. We are more concerned with accepting or rejecting someone’s opinion that we shut them out the moment they say something we don’t agree with. They can share 99 wise statements and we reject them over the one that doesn’t fit with our philosophy. We don’t care about learning, we care about demanding our own voice be heard. It’s our way or the highway and I just don’t want that to be the case. I want to live my life learning, growing and sharing.

There is so much we can learn from one another. There are things you know that I have no knowledge of at all. The sharing of information is such a powerful thing. I don’t need you to agree with me, its not about that, I just want you to sit and think for awhile. Much love and fresh perspective sweet friends.