Fuel Your Weary Soul

Man I’ve been so tired lately. And not the physical kind of tired. The mentally and emotionally beat down kind of tired. The kind of tired that comes from running into the same resistance over and over and over each day. I think the world is very weary right now, it’s not an easy time to be a human. We have been up against resistance for so many months now that this kind of tired is starting to feel normal.

Sweet friends, it is not normal for your soul to be this weary. It is not normal for us to feel this drained and unmotivated. It is not normal to feel this against everything. Sure, there are seasons of life that feel more this way, but please do not accept them as normal. Resist the urge to relax into this routine, I know it’s hard to continue to fight when you are weary but the world needs people who have come alive.

I think most of our weariness comes from the drudgery of our routine. And from our focus on what we cannot control. If you feel in constant opposition, it’s time to reevaluate some things. Weariness comes from focusing too much on what we don’t love and what we don’t want to do. I believe it comes from dreading our daily life. We have to find sources of life and plug into those. Those things that spark a light in you are the things that keep you going. The energy that accompanies that feeling is one of the most contagious things on the planet.

Draw near to the things that make you come alive. Seek them out. Carve out time for them. Pursue them with the passion you used to have for them. Shift your gaze from what feel frustrating and uncontrollable to things that you can change. Do your part to own your days, don’t let tasks and other people’s emotions own you. Own yourself. Much love and engaged pursuits sweet friends.