Getting Along

People. Man we are hard to get along with sometimes. Some days I am delightfully charming and other days I am a large pain in the butt. For most of us, our lack of understanding with people has much more to do with how we see them than who they actually are.

We expect people to be like we are. Think like we do. Reason like we do. Act like we do. Friends, we are all so very different. The more readily we not only accept, but embrace, our differences the better off all of our relationships will be.

Stop expecting people to be any different than they are. Most of us don’t really change much over our lifetimes. We just are who we are. That coworker that drives you crazy…they probably aren’t going to change. Stop expecting changed behavior from someone who doesn’t even see their issues. Your frustrations are rooted much more in your expectations than in their behavior.

That thing the person you are dating is doing that makes you want to put a pillow over their face while they sleep…its only going to get worse later. The more comfortable we become around people, the more relaxed our performance becomes, the more we reveal the ugly of our personalities.

Here’s the thing friends. We have to love people as they are, not as we think they should be. Go into every situation with your eyes wide open and your expectations in check. People are who they are. The more we accept them as they are, the better off we will all be. They aren’t you, and that’s a good thing. Guess what? You get on their nerves too.

Today, love people where they are. Expect people to be unlike you, rather than like you. Have realistic expectations and embrace the differences people bring to the table, its actually very valuable.