Gifted Differently

Continuing on the topic of comparison, I have been thinking a lot about our starting point. We all came into this world a part of a certain family unit. We had absolutely no choice in the matter, but it defines where we started from. We set ourselves up for failure every time we compare our lives to someone else’s, because not only are we running different races, but we are starting from different points.

Some of you were born into wealthy families, and were given the gift of financial security. Some of you were born into families of hard working people, and were gifted your work ethic. Some of you were born into families who made wise choices, and were gifted with loads of character and wisdom. I do not know all of your journeys to this point in time, I do not know where all of you started, but I do know that all of you have something to offer.

My parents gifted me with an incomparable work ethic. I sincerely do not remember either of my parents taking a sick day when I was growing up. They taught me to show up, do the job well, and go home to my family. My parents also gifted me with character and integrity. I remember many life lessons being poured into me throughout my life from both of my parents. I was taught to honor my employer and to use resources wisely. I always spend money in my job as though it were my own, it makes me more cautious and keeps me responsible and resourceful. If I become half the person my parents are, I will be proud.

Whatever your starting point in life was, know that where you are now is valuable. Don’t be bitter for the things you weren’t gifted, look at, and honor, the things you were gifted. I am so thankful for the values my parents instilled in me, they are both people of incredible character and I am honored to be their daughter. Sweet friends, thank you for the beautiful gift you are, I am so thankful for each of you. Shine that light that is uniquely yours. Much love and different gifting sweet friends.