Grace in this Space

What if we learned to embrace the place we are in rather than fighting to get out of it? I feel like as humans, we have such a tendency to fight change. Any sort of discomfort we feel leaves us in fight mode. We want things to go back to normal as quickly as possible. What if, instead of fighting to go backwards, we embrace what lies ahead?

               Most of my disappointment comes from my own expectations. I live in a world of ideal where I want everything to be a certain way. If it isn’t that way, I am disappointed. Becoming a mom has challenged me to change my mindset and this mindset change has been a complete game changer for me. What if we embrace the fact that it’s not ever going to be the same?

               Having 10 outfits that we rotate through because we still don’t understand this alien of a body we wake up to is still getting dressed in the morning. Walking on the treadmill for 20 minutes instead of spending an hour in the gym is still exercise. Dumping food in the crockpot for dinner is still feeding our family. Cleaning for 2 hours on the weekend instead of 4 is still keeping house. Sleeping for 2 4ish hour periods each night rather than 8 hours straight is still sleeping. Spending an hour with your family in the morning and an hour in the evening is still family time. Listening to books rather than sitting down and reading them is still a form of reading.

               I have to remind myself that we do not live in an ideal world. Rarely do things go exactly how we want them to. However, there is magic all around us if we bother to see it. Focus on what is there, not what isn’t. Stop mourning the loss of something and celebrate what you’ve gained. For the first few months postpartum I was very sad about what my body looked like. I felt pressure to rush back to how it was before. Friends, my body will likely never look the same. It created, carried and birthed life. Why would it? And do I even want it to really.? What an honor it was to carry my son. If my body carries the evidence of that for the rest of my life I am thankful for what it did for me. Here’s to grace in whatever space we find ourselves in sweet friends.