Green Grass

The grass is green where you water it. I think many of us have a tendency to over complicate things in our lives. Today, I want to talk about where we place our focus and how that effects what we produce.

Consider this. I could sit in my house all day and complain about gaining weight. The result of that would be me feeling badly about myself and most likely lead to gaining more weight. In that scenario I am watering the negative. On the flip side of that, I could actually try to do something productive about it and I might see change. Both scenarios produce a result, but what is produced depends largely on my focus. Negative focus breeds negative results.

Consider your most significant relationships. Are they where you want them to be? If not, consider how your focus could change the situation. You could complain about what a person is doing wrong. This would most likely lead to a change in behavior on their part, most likely avoidance of you, and would likely not produce the result you would like to see. On the flip side, if you praise someone for what they are doing right, they have a tendency to increase that behavior. What we focus on is what grows. Each scenario takes about the same amount of energy. It is not harder to praise than it is to complain but the result is completely different. Negative focus is very unproductive and truly just breeds more negative results. You will not get a positive outcome from a negative focus.

Today, think of situations in your life that you would like to improve. Remove the negative feelings and energy around them and think of a positive way you could contribute to the situation. Add positive energy. We can’t change everything, but we can change what we bring to the table everyday. If we bring something positive each day, we will eventually get a different result.