Growth Doesn’t Come from Comfort

So many times in life, the difference between the life we have and the life we desire is simply our comfort level. Change requires us to reach beyond what we are most comfortable with. We must stretch ourselves beyond our comfort zone. We all love sweat pants, but sometimes we’ve got to squeeze on the skinny jeans and go.

Fear, and reaching beyond fear, is much different than our comfort zone. Most of us don’t really enjoy being uncomfortable but if we are honest with ourselves, we know that’s where the growth happens and the change occurs. If you are wavering between the familiar and what will stretch you, let me encourage you to stretch.

Moving, loving someone, changing jobs, making friends, getting in shape, going back to school…none of those things sound like comfort to me. Yet, I know, that is where the growth occurs. It’s so much easier to reach back into what you are comfortable in; stay home and watch Netflix instead of going on that date, staying in that dead end job instead of going on that interview. What if you knew that everything you want in life was on the other side of this comfort. Wouldn’t you lay that down without hesitation? Comfort is not worth the cost friends. Comfort will not bring you the end result you are seeking. Period. We must push past our comfort zones to get the prize.

The scary thing about comfort is that sometimes we are not even aware that we have become comfortable. We need to shake things up sometimes. Take some time today to evaluate your friendships, relationships, job, home life, etc…where have you grown comfortable where you need to stretch and grow? Reach out to that long lost friend, apply for the job…do whatever you need to do today to stretch yourself.