Hard Seasons

Life is hard sometimes, it can really beat you down. It’s easy for us to fall and lose our spark from time to time. We have all been under such a constant state of stress and pressure. The constant changes and countless unknowns of the past year have kept us all braced for impact at all times. I feel like I was just waiting for the other shoe to drop all year. I grew weary and became very disengaged in my life.

It happens to all of us at one time or another, we are all just rocking along, doing our thing, and BAM something knocks us down. We try so hard to understand something that reason will never make sense of. It’s ugly and unpredictable and it can be completely debilitating if we allow it to be.

The flip side of this, is that we all have these big, beautiful lives that have been given to us as a gift. They are short and will fly by in the blink of an eye. I think it is very important for all of us to remember that we do not have bad lives, hard lives, or pointless lives. We have beautiful, full lives that sometimes have hard seasons in them. A bad season, does not make for a bad life. We have to stay focused on all the good that came before this time, and all the good that will come after this time. This is not our arrival point, or our final destination, this is simply a stage that must be passed through.

My hope for you, as we continue through this season, is that you will find peace in it. That you will lean into the lessons it is offering you. That you will learn to accept changes and unpredictability as a part of life. That you will lean into your friends and family when you need a little extra support. That you will handle this time with grace and see each day as a gift but also live with a healthy anticipation for what comes next. Much love sweet friends.