Heavy is the Head that Wears the Crown

Those of you in leadership, trying to make changes, I see you. Those of you grinding everyday, just trying to create a better life for your family, I see you. Those of you out pounding pavement trying to find a job, I see you. Those of you who are winning, I see you. Those of you who are losing, I see you too. And I applaud you. All of you. I am for you.

I am so tired of seeing so many negative comments and opinions. Sometimes I will read a social media thread, about a stranger, and see the most hateful comments I’ve ever seen. When did we get so comfortable spewing hate at people? And people we don’t even know. Why are people so invested in the lives of someone they’ve never even met? We are way too comfortable with hate because, behind a keyboard, there are no consequences. There are way too many people trying to knock off successful people. Why do we want to see others fail? Heavy is the head that wears the crown…this is the God’s honest truth. But it’s made heavier by the haters that are rooting for your failure. The ones who follow you just to see you fall. The ones who are so vehemently against.

Know this, their issue is not with you. Their issue is with themselves. Don’t take their hate personally, they hate themselves far more than they will ever hate you. Don’t let their fire burn too close. Shake them off, wish them well, and move forward. Know this also, there are far more of us for you than there will ever be against you. There are far more people in your corner, rooting for your success. We just tend to be a little quieter. But I would like to change that.

Today, sweet friends, I implore you to root loudly for those around you. Encourage, compliment, build up and love on the people around you that make you proud. We hear hate so loudly because the encouragement doesn’t come as often as the criticism. Allow the encouragement to drown out the noise of the negative. You are doing an amazing job and I am so proud of you. Keep doing you and build up those around you. We all need your loud, positive voice. Much love and loud encouragement sweet friends.