Honestly Speaking

I do not like it when people misinterpret my intentions. When someone thinks I’m being rude when I’m just trying to directly address an issue. I feel like, somewhere along the way, we lost respect for direct communication. It is as if we want people to beat around the bush, soften the blow, or reframe the conversation so that it is easily digestible. I do not want pre chewed conversations and I do not want to have to be ever so careful about every word that I say before I say it. I want to be surrounded by people who can let their guard down and speak freely and I want to be able to do the same.

Friends, you have to surround yourself with people who celebrate you. You have to surround yourself with people who love and accept you as you are. There is a time for polish but your closest friendships and relationships are not that place. You have to have a safe place, where the mask can come off and you can speak freely. If you find yourself carefully weighing every word before you speak it then you truly need to take the time to reevaluate some things. If it truly feels as if one wrong word could end it, that is not a very stable relationship. Don’t tamper yourself to keep yourself on a rocky foundation; be true to yourself and follow the path it takes you. Most often, you will find yourself on firm ground eventually, though to be honest there will be a time of loneliness before you get there.

We are so afraid to upset people with the truth, so we soften it so much that it is a borderline lie. What about that is good? Hear me when I say we need to be thoughtful with our words and honest in our intention but we should not dim the truth of who we are to make others more comfortable. Be strong in your resolve, boldly stand for who you are, speak your truth and bask in the freedom of the love of true friends. It will change your life.