Honestly Speaking Part II

Building off of yesterday’s topic of honesty. I need you to know also, that it is not your job to make yourself digestible for other people. You are going to be too much for some people and that is okay. Those are not your people. Please do not dim yourself because you are too bright for some. The world needs who you are. All of you. The good parts, the messy parts, the complicated parts. You. That’s what we need. You.

I struggle so much with being misunderstood by others. I come across wrong a lot and that is something that really bothers me. I do care about how I make people feel. But I also know that not everyone is going to like me or enjoy my company. My boldness is going to be too much for some people. My reserved, serious nature is going to be not enough for others. My weird sense of humor isn’t going to be for everyone. And again, that is okay. I have to be aware enough of myself, in all situations, to recognize when I am not being true to myself.

I am, by my nature, a chameleon. Throughout my life I have learned to adapt and adjust to situations. I can be just as comfortable at a fancy dinner as I am eating hot wings with my hands. If I’m honest, I prefer the hot wings. I think being adaptable is a good thing, but it can also be a dangerous thing. Sometimes our adaptability causes us to lose sight of who we really are. It took me a few years to recognize that I prefer hot wings to creme brûlée, I truly expected myself to prefer the fancy to the accessible. But no matter where I go or what I do my roots are deep in a small West Texas town. I am a simple woman who appreciates simple things.

The beauty of maturity, if we will lean into it, is that we have the ability to know ourselves enough to be true to who we really are. To remove the mask, relax and just be. When we become the truest version of ourselves, we allow others to be themselves as well. Genuineness attracts the genuine.