Honor Opportunity

It’s not secret, that throughout the years, I have been very resistant to change. I have loved and enjoyed the safety and comfort of existing in the world of familiarity. I like routine, and structure and predictability. But there is a whole world of possibilities on the other side of every opportunity that we are presented. Each time we are asked to do something, we have the option to say yes, or say no. I said no a lot, and called it loyalty. But who was the loyalty to exactly?

Sweet friends, there is a world of possibility right at our finger tips. Just on the other side of our fears. I remember distinctly being so resistant to saying yes to this job, this move, even Jarrett when he first asked. I didn’t want my life to change. I loved my job, I loved the people in my life and I loved my happy, single life in my sweet home in Canyon. I was perfectly content and happy, but I was also playing small.

Staying inside our comfort zone doesn’t change us and it doesn’t change our world. The world needs us to take big, bold moves. I have learned more about myself and my abilities, my short comings, my fears and my limits in this move than I would’ve ever known otherwise. This move has taken me out of my comfort and forced me to navigate a new world where no one cares who I am, what I am capable of or what I’m about. I had to start over here. The working reputation I had went away the moment I left Canyon and I have had to rebuild it brick by brick.

Has it been hard? Most definitely. Has it been slow? SOOOOO slow. Things like trust and respect take time. This was not the easy way. But I do believe it was the way with the greatest reward. This place has grown me in ways I never knew were possible. I knew, even in my resistance, that I had to honor this opportunity. I knew, if I would honor this opportunity, it would honor me. Sweet friends, when opportunity presents itself, don’t allow your fear to keep you in a place you’ve outgrown. Lean into the discomfort, embrace the adventure, and honor the opportunity. Much love and great opportunity sweet friends.