Honor the ”No”

Jarrett and I put an offer on a cabin in Ruidoso on Wednesday evening. Our intention was to use it as much as we could but to use it as an Airbnb when we weren’t using it. I had done countless research on the potential, the pitfalls, the licensing requirement…you name it, I researched it. Last night we received a call that the seller would like to counter our offer (we were one of 6 offers made in less than 24 hours on the market). We were shocked and excited. We were told to let them know by 11 AM if we wanted to proceed. At 10:15 we received a call saying the buyer went with another offer.

We were devastated, tears were shed and dreams were crushed. But as soon as our vision cleared we adjusted our thinking. You see friends, one of the things that I have been working on is accepting things I would normally see as harmful, or perhaps not in my favor, as actually in my favor. This year, I want to want the things that are for me, far more than I want the things I want. Clearly, the house wasn’t ours. And you know what, that’s okay. I hope the person who got it truly enjoys it with their family.

I’m tired of the ”they screwed us mindset” the ”everyone is against me” mindset. I have to admit ”we just got screwed” is the first thought that came to my mind. I’m still a work in progress. What if we considered, not that things happened to us, but that they happened for us? What if we saw the redirection in every single interaction as something to be desired rather than disappointed in. Friends, the vision others have placed in front of me far exceed the vision I have placed on myself. Often, others see things for us much larger than we see for ourselves.

Today, know that it’s okay to be disappointed when things don’t go your way. Be disappointed but honor the no. The no isn’t a slammed door, it’s just a fork in the road. Follow the new path. I promise, it will lead to greater than you could possibly imagine. There are far greater things ahead than any you leave behind. What is for you is in front of you, it isn’t behind you. You didn’t miss it. Feel the disappointment and then allow your heart to fill with gratitude that what you thought you wanted didn’t work out. No is not a harmful word, it often provides the greatest protection of your life. Much love and new direction sweet friends.