I cannot fathom the life of someone serving in our military, or the life of the families they have to leave behind. I have a few friends who are military spouses and they absolutely amaze me.
Today, as you go about your celebrations, I encourage you to pause and reflect on the sacrifice that your freedom came with. The countless hours a spouse spent worrying. The days, weeks, months and years spent apart. The milestones missed by the service men and women as their children grew up without them. The countless times the stateside parent had to answer for “where mommy and daddy are.” The cross country moves, the international moves…all of it comes with such selfless sacrifice.
The imminent danger the service men and women put themselves in to protect the lives of total strangers. Today, more than ever, I am so very aware of the fact that my freedom isn’t free. It comes at a high cost. Time is the most valuable resource we have, and these service men and women are cashing in their time to keep us safe while losing time with their precious families. While, stateside, we are complaining because we have to stand in line for longer than we like at Walmart, with our basket full or groceries, and can’t even be bothered to return a shopping cart to it’s proper place. Thank you seems like such a pathetic offering on my part.
To the active duty service men and women, and their families, thank you. To the families of those who did not make it home, I cannot imagine your grief. To the families of those who made it home, but are struggling to adjust to civilian life, I cannot imagine your pain. To the service men and women who lost brothers and sisters in battle, I wish I could carry your grief. To the service men and women who were physically, emotionally and mentally scarred in battle, I wish I could heal your wounds. While thank you falls so short, I will offer one other thing on your behalf. I vow to live this life to the utmost, to value my freedom each day, and to honor the sacrifice of you and your families by graciously honoring our flag and my freedom. Much love and honored sacrifice sweet friends.