“I’m Sorry it Took Me 20 Years.”

I got engaged a couple of weeks ago. It was a beautiful moment that I will never forget. As many of you know, who have experienced such moments, its hard to be in the moment because the emotions can be overwhelming. I don’t remember exactly what was said to me because my heart was soaring and tears were flowing, but I distinctly remember, “I’m sorry it took me 20 years.”

You see, I met the guy who will become my husband in a few months when I was 14 years old. He moved to my hometown our freshman year of high school and we became very good friends. Over the next 4 years, we spent a lot of time together and grew very close. Graduation came and we went our separate ways. Fast forward 21 years and here we are, engaged and getting married and I have never been happier.

You see, life has a funny way of working out. Our path to each other was not straight, clear, or pot hole free. We each made big mistakes, took wrong turns, and ran off the road a few times. But mostly, we learned. We learned what not to be, what not to do, and what really mattered in life. Our path to one another was far from perfect, but it was exactly right. I wouldn’t change a thing about it.

Friends, whatever it is that you are waiting on in life, know that it is worth the wait. It is worth every wrong turn, every run off the road and every mistake you could ever imagine. It is preparing you for what has been prepared for you. Do not be ashamed of your path. Take the lessons and move forward. Know that there are better things ahead than any you leave behind. What has been done to you is teaching you something. Jarrett, I’m not sorry it took you over 20 years, I’m thankful for every wrong turn that lead me straight to you. Be patient, sweet friends, your good is on the way. Much love.