In Due Time

Not all of us arrive at the same destination, at the same time, or in the same manner. You are never too old or too young to arrive. We have to learn to trust the timing of our lives and stop looking at our neighbor and feeling like we are doing it wrong. You are neither ahead or behind. This is your race. You are not competing against anyone but you. When you realize you are the only one in the race, you realize you cannot be either ahead or behind, you can only be moving.

We are all growing and moving at different paces. Some land dream jobs straight out of college, others land their dream jobs 10 years before retirement. Some find their person and start a family right away, some take longer to sort all that out. Either way, you are neither ahead or behind.

Run your race friends. Stay focused on what is in front of you. Don’t look beside or behind. Stay in your lane and run the race that is set before you. It’s the only one you can actually win. Yours. You are not here to win my race, to run my race or to judge my race. You are here to wake up each day and live the life that is set before YOU. Not me. You.

So, again, as you evaluate your routines and habits and set goals for the new year, make sure you are setting your goals. Set goals based on your race, not mine, or your friends, or the person you know on Instagram. Set your own goals. Live your own life. Meet your own expectations. You are exactly where you are supposed to be. Trust that. Much love and grace sweet friends.