In Pursuit of More

When did more become the norm? When did we become so obsessed with bigger and better and new and next? When did our 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom homes become too small? When did our paid off vehicles become too old? When did our closets have to be so full you couldn’t find anything? When did we need so much stuff?

I have always had such a need to fill whatever space is available to me. Those that know and love me know that every drawers, closet, shelf and space is filled to overflowing. It’s not something that I love about myself, but it is my reality. I have so much of everything that I am sometimes overwhelmed by it all. But what overwhelms me even more than my stuff is our need for more stuff. Our constant drive for more.

Jarrett and I have looked at several homes since we moved to Alpine but can’t bring ourselves to pay $200/sq foot on a home. We live in a cute little rental house but I miss owning a home. I miss painting walls and redoing cabinets and putting in new floors. I see friends posting photos in their homes and they are beautiful, new and spacious. And I find myself feeling less than with our spotty wall paint and stained carpets. But then I remember the precious home I grew up in. The sweet and cozy 3 bedroom 2 bathroom home my family had on Osage street surrounded by so many friends. It gives me pause every time. I was so happy growing up in that home on Osage street.

Sweet friends we seem to be in constant pursuit of happiness but if we paused long enough we would learn that we already have it. Next is not always better than now. And if you stay in constant pursuit of next, you cannot enjoy now. Don’t rush the rhythm of your life. Enjoy whatever stage you find yourself in. Know that new homes, cars, clothes, jobs, etc…they aren’t the things that bring you happiness. Happiness is an inside job and nothing external will ever truly satisfy you. Sometimes, less truly is more. Much love and happiness sweet friends.