Individual Measure

Ever found yourself sitting on social media questioning your entire life because of one person’s post? Comparing and measuring and finding that your measurements just don’t add up. Their house is nicer than yours, their kids are more well behaved, their home cooked meals look so much better than yours, professionally they are in such a better place than you. The list goes on and on.

Self doubt is a very toxic trait. There are times when I find myself in comparison to other people and it leads me down a rabbit hole of negative thoughts. You are not less, simply because you perceive someone as more. I understand that perception is reality but absolutely nothing you perceive on social media tells the entire story. We see only what others choose to show and most of us polish things before we hit publish. I’m not saying that we aren’t telling the truth, but we are definitely shining things up a bit.

Sweet friends, life is hard enough, no need to make it any harder. Stop using other people’s measuring sticks to justify your life. The life that you are living is yours, period. Everything you do is your own choice. It doesn’t matter what they are doing, it matters what you are doing. You don’t have to get married, have kids, buy a bigger home, get a different job, etc…just because everyone else seems to be doing that. We aren’t manufactured robots all heading down the same path and on the same timeline. We are individuals, built with different gifting and different timelines. I’ve always been a bit of a champion for the ones bucking the system and creating their own timelines.

Don’t allow the perception of others to be your measuring stick. You are not less because you perceive them as more. If they seem to be in a better place than you, allow it to motivate you not cause you to envy them. Envy doesn’t move the dial, but motivation does. Measure yourself by your own standards, buy into your own gifts, lean in and lead where you are. Much love sweet friends.