Insecure Attachment

We have become so attached to everything. But in reality, everything we have is borrowed. “Clinging to temporary things gives them power over us. They become sources of pain and fear. When we accept the temporary nature of everything in our lives, we can feel gratitude for the good fortune of getting to borrow them for a time.” Jay Shetty

This time in your life is fleeting. The way things are will change. You will lose people, you will add people, you will outgrown people. Your job will change, your living situation will change, your mindset will change. The only thing that I can guarantee in this life is change. Do not wish your life away thinking “I’ll be happy when….” Whatever your “when” is won’t bring you the happiness you think it will. It comes with it’s own set of problems. There are blessings in every season of life if we choose to see them as such. Your hardest, busiest season brings blessing. Your brightest, happiest season brings blessing. There is something to be missed in all seasons and when the time passes, you will look back and see that some things were better before and some things are better now.

Our life comes to us in stages and in seasons. We have such a tendency to wish our way out of stages and through seasons. When we are single, we want so desperately to be married. When we are married, we want desperately to become parents. When we are in school, we want desperately to be in our careers. And when we are in our careers, we want desperately to retire. Looking back on the stages of life that I wished myself through, I can say I wish I would’ve slowed down and enjoyed them.

Honor the season of life you are in. It will pass. Whether it is good or bad, it will change. What doesn’t have to change is our gratitude or our mindset. Honor the temporary nature of this life and the things that fill it. Don’t be so in a rush to move to the next stage that you fail to enjoy this one. This one is offering you a gift, open it. Observe it. Use it. Much love and honored seasons sweet friends.