
Naturally, I’ve been thinking a lot about relationships and what makes them a success, and why so many fail. Marriage is a very scary concept to me. I know that it is beautiful, and biblical and amazing as well. But for me, marriage has always represented fear more than anything else. I know that marriage is hard, that it takes two people willing to do the work, and that it can be the most rewarding thing on the planet. But I’m also aware that the wrong marriage will limit you more than anything else in life. Jarrett and I have had many discussions over the last few months leading up to this union about how to make our marriage strong, and lasting and loving. We are two damaged people, joining together as one unit, there have been, and are bound to be, many missteps.

What I do know, is that we are two people, willing to do the work. We do not go into this blindly, we’ve seen first hand the work required, and the damage done when not properly fostered.

Friends, our words and our actions are powerful. I believe that relationships fail more from neglect than from intentional harm. I think we let things slip, one tiny action at a time. Little things at first. I see it in romantic relationships, friendships, working relationships, and in families. Be careful with your words and promises sweet friends, don’t say you’ll do something you have no intention of doing just to keep the peace, it only causes harm.

I’m a show me kind of girl, always have been. You can say all you want to but you better show up when it’s time to. I knew Jarrett was the one for me, because he never made me wonder. He never made me question, he was intentional from jump street and his intention never wavered. I have never been so intentionally pursued in my entire life, he does the little things so well.

At work, I’m careful what I promise. Even if I’m 99% sure something is going to happen, I don’t share it until I’m certain. I’m very cautious in that way. Nothing loses the trust and faith of employees faster than not keeping your word. I can’t say one thing and do another. I have been in situations before where things were promised and never happened and it erodes your trust, one missed action at a time. Today, I encourage you to walk with intention. Be careful what you say and show up bigger than you say you will. I would always rather be a little overwhelming than underwhelming. Much love and true intentions sweet friends.