Iron Sharpens Iron

Do you ever take the time to really evaluate the people you spend the most time with? Do you realize that we become most like the 5 people we spend the most time around? Do you admire the people who get your time? Are they living a life that is in line with the life you would like to live?

The truth is, many of us need to be stretched. As humans, we have a tendency to err on the side of lazy when given the opportunity. We need to surround ourselves with people who encourage us, inspire us, and stretch us in some way. Surround yourself with people who love you, encourage you, and bring out the best in you.

Secondly, be cautious with your own words. You are either building up, or tearing down those around you. I have a tendency to let my emotions lead the way sometimes and its not always a good thing. Sometimes, I get so caught up in being frustrated that I forget to be loving to those around me. I make them feel as though they are in the way or a burden to me when that is absolutely not the case at all. They are my most precious gift.

Today, be a little kinder to those around you. Speak the truth about how you feel about them. Love on them a little extra. Call your family and tell them you love them. Reach out to the friend you haven’t seen in years. Send a handwritten note to someone who inspired you along the way. Love one another friends, we all need a little extra these days.