A Work in Progress

We all have things in our lives that we wish were different. Traits, habits, characteristics, etc. Many of us recognize and realize that we are a work in progress and that it is perfectly acceptable to be both a masterpiece and a work in progress. Simultaneously. We have to learn to love the whole of ourselves, not the carefully chosen pieces we admire the most.

If we humble ourselves enough to be aware of our shortcomings and truly try to work on being better in those areas we can see great change. It is not very mature, or growth minded, of us to say, “that’s just how I am.” Consider the passiveness of that statement. You have given total ownership of that thing over to something you can’t control, when in fact, you are in control.

The balance, for me, is found somewhere in the place between I love this about myself and I’m getting there. I recognize that even the hard parts of my being are created this way on purpose. I am often stuck between disliking a part of myself and growing in that area.

Friends, may I encourage you to increase your awareness? Simply becoming more aware of our own narrowness can help us to expand. Love yourself, exactly as you are, but also recognize that you want to grow. Move in the direction of your growth. Whatever it is that you would like to see improvement in, move towards that. Have conversations with people you think excel in that area. We have access to so much information, but we have to reach for it. Much love and growth sweet friends.