Relationships are hard. Friendships are hard. Coworkers are hard. People are hard. Being in relationships with people, managing expectations, navigating conflict…it all takes a great deal of energy. Relationships require a lot of work, effort, sacrifice, and investment. We have to fight for each other, every single day. We do not have to agree with one another to be united, we simply have to remember our common ground and respectfully agree to disagree.
I’ve seen a shift over the years in loyalty and unity. We all seem a little angrier than usual and we are just about anything but united. We are so against. Everything. It’s like we gain our energy by being opposed. It’s disturbing. I see it in offices, on sports teams, within relationships and within families. We have become so self focused that we have forgotten that life is about other people. Hear me clearly, we do not have to agree on everything to be friends. We do not have to be 100% in agreement to be united.
We have lost sight of what truly matters. What our goals are. What we are working towards. We’ve lost the unity that is part of being human. We are united, simply because we are all human, that’s a common thread that runs through all of us. We should be united because we work for the same companies, universities, school districts, etc. We should be united in marriage because we share a last name, that thread that runs through us should tie us together for life. We have become so divided that we have forgotten that we are all on the same team. We’ve forgotten to fight for and not against.
Sweet friends, take some time to consider your goals, what are you working towards? Who are the people on your team? Let down your guard of agreement and look for unity based on common ground and experience. Don’t look for the opposition, look for the common thread. We are all human, we do not have to agree to be united, but it’s time we come together. It’s time we realize whose team we are on and march forward together. Fight for one another, not against one another. Much love and unity sweet friends.