Last 90 Days Challenge

October 1st begins my favorite 3 month stretch of the year. I love fall and the holidays, such a fun time of year. For the last three years I have participated in Rachel Hollis’ Last 90 Days Challenge that consists of ending the year well. When I first began, I challenged myself to get up an hour earlier to read each day, drink half my body weight in water each day, exercise each day and write 10 things I’m thankful for each day. I am happy to say I have maintained these habits, almost perfectly for the last 3 years.

This year, I decided to add a couple of challenges in for the next 90 days. Starting today, I will do a mental health challenge each day and write each day. If you would like to join me, I will likely post about the mental health challenge each day.

I am a big believer in mentality and that the only thing that truly limits us is our thinking. My challenge to you, over the next 90 days and beyond, is to bring forth negative thoughts and we will begin to restructure our thinking together. Whatever negative thought patterns you have, begin to write them down. Each day, I will do an exercise to challenge one of my own thoughts. This method is called cognitive restructuring and it is highly effective if done properly. Many of us operate with cognitive distortions which we will discuss more later. Today, simply start a list of thoughts you would like to challenge and we will work through how to think about them differently.

What are some thoughts you are challenging?

4 thoughts on “Last 90 Days Challenge

  1. I try to stay positive 100% most days but as of today feel like I am not doing enough for myself. I relocated to take care of my parents I put everyone and their needs before my own at work and home. I would like to create a better balance and keep it. I start to feel drained early in the days due to overthinking.

    1. Man can I relate to that. You are such an unselfish person. It is so hard for us to make the mental shift from doing for others and taking care of ourselves. Seeing self care as unselfish is a challenge. It has been very hard for me but I now understand the necessity. I remind myself that if I’m not good for me, I’m not good for anyone else. We will definitely work through some of this. Thank you for sharing.

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