Let Them Know

Ever considered how nicely we speak of someone once they pass away? Aggressive statement, I know, but think about it. Someone passes away and all I see are all the kind words people say about them publicly. Every time I see this, I wonder if they told them that when they were alive. Do you realize the impact you could have on the world if you told people how much they mattered to you? How much different the world would be!

May I encourage you to praise people now? Right where you are. Tell people you haven’t seen in a long time how much you value the role they played in your life. Reach out to former teachers, coworkers, classmates, and coaches and tell them they made an impact on you. Love the people that are in front of you right now. Pour it out. Don’t take praise to the grave with you, it doesn’t do any of us any good.

See someone who looks nice? Tell them. Starbucks barista is super friendly, tell them how much you appreciate their attitude. Rather than complain when someone is rude, praise their kindness. The things around us are influenced by the words we speak. People remember kindness. They remember how the words you speak made them feel. I promise, it matters. We all rise to the level of the words spoken to us.

So often we stay quiet because we don’t want to make things awkward. We don’t know what to say or how to say it. You know what, let it be awkward. You get better at it. The more you compliment people the easier it becomes. Stop thinking nice things about people and say them! Take action. This world needs a little extra love in it.

Really like seeing someone you work with everyday? Tell them their presence makes a difference. Tell them you appreciate the energy they bring. Tell your coworker you like their haircut. It doesn’t really matter what it is, just say it. Allow the positive thoughts you have to become the positive words you speak and you will see a huge difference in the energy around you.

Also, if someone compliments you, for the love of all things, just accept it. Learn to graciously accept compliments. Don’t disagree, simply say thank you.