Letting Go

I heard a pastor say one time that holding a grudge was the same as drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. Anger and resentment do so much harm to our minds and our bodies. You can see it on the faces of people you interact with everyday. We literally carry it around, wear it, put it on display. It is poison.

Hating another person, being disappointed about where your life is or being angry about another person’s success won’t make you more successful. Hating another person doesn’t make you more loving and it dang sure doesn’t hurt them. Being disappointed with where you life is doesn’t change where your life is. Being jealous of another person’s life doesn’t add to your own. Anger/hate/bitterness are unproductive. They truly do nothing but harm us and distract us from our future. Anger is an emotion that keeps us in our past, there’s nothing you can do to change what has already been done. All you can do now is love yourself enough to keep moving forward.

Instead of harboring bitterness and anger about things we can’t control, can I encourage you to shift your focus onto what you can control? Look to your future, let go of your past. Do whatever you need to do to get there. Just keep moving forward. The people you are jealous of are just living the life they want to live. Another person’s success doesn’t take one ounce of light away from you. Shine your light too. Don’t let things you can’t control eat you up. I know its easier said that done but the alternative is so sad friends.

Choose joy today. Choose to let go of past hurts and move forward. Forgive the people in your life that hurt you. Pray for them, release them and move on. Staying stuck in past hurts only steals your future.