Losing Yourself

Have you ever lost sight of who you are? Had a moment of uncertainty in terms of what you want in life? Don’t know what direction to go?

Sometimes we lose our true north because we lose our connection to ourselves. We are constantly stimulated by outside influences and that noise often drowns out our own voice. When someone asks me what I want, and I don’t immediately have an answer, I know I’m losing my connection to myself.

When I am feeling a little off my game, I have to take time to myself. Sometimes that means immersing myself in an activity that I love, like baking. Sometimes that means seeking out silence. Sometimes I find the answer in song lyrics or in the sweet words of a friend. The path to myself is not always the same but it is unpaved and well worn. I have to travel back to it over and over again.

Friends, I cannot encourage you enough to check in with yourself. Notice when you are slipping and take time to get to the bottom of the issue. Big reactions to small actions are usually an indication that we are not taking care of ourselves and meeting our needs. I learn more about myself through my reactions than any other time. Don’t beat yourself up for overreacting, take a moment to figure out where the reaction came from. I believe that the small issues become the big issues over time. We don’t end relationships over one big fight, we end relationships after years of letting little things slide. The festering resentment of daily neglect is what causes us our biggest pain. It’s preventable. We just have to be aware and diligent in our pursuit of ourselves.

Today, may I encourage you to check in with yourself? Do you know what you want and need? Are you doing what you need to in order to obtain it? Be honest with yourself and take the time necessary to know yourself. Learning about our own needs and desires goes a long way to keep us happy and balanced. Much love friends.