Love the Daily

I love athletic facilities. There’s something about the air around them and the unique sounds they make. The sound of feet on metal bleachers, the creak of an old wood floor, the sound of a metal latch clinking against a flag pole. Even when they are empty, they hold a certain kind of magic for me. I have the unique privilege of accessing them everyday and I love it. When they are empty they bring me a certain type of calm that I’ve only found on dirt roads and in athletic facilities.

When people think of athletics, they think of game day. The noise, the excitement, the anticipation. But those are not the days that define an athletic program. It’s all the days in between that bring us success or failure. The game days, are the reward we get for sticking through the harder days. The cold, windy practices, the injuries, the personnel turnover, the good players who quit, the great players that get injured, and the good players with bad attitudes. Wins are accumulated daily. Sure, the ones inside the facility matter, but for me it’s about so much more than that.

This is a gritty business. It’s hard. But it’s also wonderful. It has so many highs and lows. But the highs are always worth the lows. Seeing the athlete fall into rhythm that has struggled to find their footing. Giving that first time head coach a chance to fulfill a dream. Watching first generation college students walk across the stage. These are the days we live for. These are the days where I find my biggest wins. Providing opportunities is my greatest pleasure in this job, be they athletic, academic, or professional. I am humbled daily by the opportunity around me.

Sweet friends, love where your feet are. Be present. Love the good and the bad. The empty facilities and the full ones. The hard days and the easy days. They all bring us to the moment. For me, game days, and wins and losses are the reward for all the days in between. Today, is defining your tomorrow. Learn to love the daily and you’ll see much more consistent progress. Much love and happy lives sweet friends.