Loyalty & Other Lost Arts

Loyalty seems to be a rarity these days. We jump from thing to thing without much thought. We argue for the sake of disagreement, rather than unity. We will take whatever side is opposed. We seem to have forgotten that we are all moving in the same direction and have more than a few things in common.

Our loyalty to things & ideas is fleeting. But so is our loyalty to others. We are a people of convenience, tied to whatever human suits us at the time. Friendships, relationships, employers…all of it is ever changing for us. We don’t grow with them, we grow against them. We serve whatever master serves us in return.

We lose ourselves as well. We aren’t even loyal to our own self anymore. We don’t know how we feel, where we stand, who we love and who we fight for. We are so disconnected to ourselves at times, we couldn’t possibly follow our hearts.

Sweet friends, loyalty has challenged me more than once in my life. I’m a stayer, ever when I should go. I’ve stayed in many situations much longer than I should have, but my heart is always to fight for and not against. What we all need to understand is that united we stand. When we can unite over a single issue and march forward together, we can change things. Arguing against other people and being so against others ideas only causes division. The human race, your relationships, your communities and your workplaces need unity. We will never agree on all things, but we can come together over one thing. Find that one thing and be the voice that unifies those around you. Much love and unity sweet friends.