Making Room

Anyone actually like to clear out clutter? I don’t. If you do, please come visit me because your girl needs to get some stuff OUT!

What about mental clutter? Ever taken the time to clear that nonsense out? So much of the information and ideas we hold in our heads are just fillers. They suck our energy and attention. They keep us in places where we truly don’t belong anymore. Sometimes friends, you have to turn the page. Even when you don’t want to. You have to let go of what you thought it would be like and embrace what it is.

Can I tell you that it never happens how you think its going to? Sometimes its that vision that keeps you stuck. You can’t see past your ideal. Sometimes the very best thing for you is right in front of you but you can’t see it because you are more focused on what isn’t than what is.

We don’t all get to marry our high school sweetheart or find our person in our 20s. We don’t all get our dream job right out of the gate. We don’t all get to live in beautiful homes filled with children. Life rarely unfolds the way we think it should, or in the timing that we think it should.

We have to be open to possibilities. We have to allow our lives to unfold without us forcing ourselves into corners we aren’t meant to stand in. We limit ourselves by having such narrow vision for our lives. Nothing, and I mean nothing, in my life has played out the way I envisioned it. This beautiful, wonderful, messy life I’m living is exactly as it should be. Let go of the ideal, and embrace the beautiful, messy reality that is life. No ones life is perfect but we can all be perfectly happy with the life we have if we choose to see the beauty in it.