Messy Humans

We are all such a dang mess sometimes. And you know what, that is where our magic is. I love myself a good mess!

Friends, I’m learning to love even the parts of myself that I don’t particularly like. I used to hate parts of me. But to hate any part of myself is to hate my Creation and I know that I was designed this way for a reason. My Creator knew what He was doing. If I didn’t have these “flaws” I wouldn’t need grace. I wouldn’t need guidance.

There’s a difference between using your flaws as a crutch and being aware of your blind spots. I can be aware of my shortcomings and not hate them. I don’t want to hate the way that I am, I want to love all the corners of my being. I also don’t want to say, “that’s just the way I am” and never try to improve bad behavior.

I believe, that when we truly love other people, we love them in their mess. We love them more when they show their imperfections. There is no grace in perfection. We need to know that other people struggle just like we do.

In regards to other people, if you are waiting on the perfect person, can I be the one to tell you that they don’t exist? No one is perfect. Love isn’t beautifully romantic all the time. Sometimes its downright hard. No matter how well suited you are and how willing to work at it you are; its hard sometimes. It’s messy because we are messy. Learn to love the mess and you’ll be a lot less frustrated. Honor your creation sweet friends, you are beautiful as you are.