“Missed Opportunities” & Almosts

Jarrett was a finalist for several AD jobs during his 5 years spent as a high school athletic director. There were job opportunity that he came close to getting that he was really excited about and I’m sure more than a little disappointed about not getting, I passed through one of those towns this weekend on my way to my bachelorette party and it made me think about the timing of our lives and how often we label something as a missed opportunities when it’s actually setting us on the path to better things.

I found myself in very similar situations throughout my career, I was offered a job with United Supermarkets in the corporate office that would’ve moved me to Lubbock and near my family as well as a position as a professor at Midland College. I turned both of those opportunities down. On the flip side, I applied for several jobs I was never even interviewed for.

The almost opportunities in our lives can break our hearts. We are often so disappointed when our lives don’t take the path we designed them to take. We wonder why and if it’s ever going to happen for us. It truly can be devastating. I have broken my own heart countless times throughout my life by holding myself to a standard I wasn’t quite ready for.

Jarrett and I discussed one of those jobs yesterday, he said, “if I had gotten that job, we wouldn’t have reconnected.” He is so right. Our paths were destined for one another. The delays in our professional lives were for our own protection, we were being held in professional places so our personal lives could flourish. Once our personal lives aligned, a huge opportunity was presented to me and Jarrett got a job right away and is also getting the opportunity to pursue his masters degree. It’s so hard to accept the no’s and the disappointments of life. But know this, every single thing that happens in life, puts you on a path to something better. What is meant for you will not get past you. Don’t rush the rhythm of your life and do not grow impatient in the process. All of it is part of our journey that leads us to the destination when we are ready to arrive. Much love and bittersweet no’s sweet friends.