
We have such a tendency to assume the worst of other people’s action. Somewhere along the way we lost the benefit of the doubt and just jump to worst case scenario each time. Somewhere we lost our desire to know and understand and placed a higher value on assumption and productivity. One of the most difficult things I have experienced since moving is the constant misunderstanding of who I am and what I am trying to do. People don’t know me enough to assume the best and our nature is to assume the worst.

If I’m honest, I have become distracted by the need to be understood. I don’t do well when people misinterpret my intentions and don’t see the value of what we are trying to do. We are in the process of rebuilding and for those of you that have done it, you know it is a painful process. There are a lot of moving pieces. Mostly, I think we are doing a really great job, but there are road blocks along the way.

This morning, in Undistracted by Bob Goff, I read the following. ”You are going to be misunderstood, and you will misunderstand some things. It’s that simple. It’s going to happen all day, every day. You won’t understand yourself sometimes. You’ll misunderstand others too. Not just once in awhile, but constantly. Get comfortable with people just not ”getting us” and stop getting distracted when this occurs. Obsessing over predictable misunderstandings distracts everyone around you as you flail around trying to clarify everything. What is most painful about being misunderstood is the deeper challenge that has been made to our underlying motives or intentions or values.”

Today, let’s allow who we know we are to be enough. Let’s assume the best of others, rather than the worst. Let’s stop fighting to be understood and rather fight to understand. Try to learn more about someone else, rather than being so concerned about being known. Let your guard down, listen and learn. There is much to known if we will simply listen. Much love and less unproductive distraction sweet friends.