No is a Setup, Not a Setback

What if no was a setup, instead of a set back? Could you get behind it then? Would you be less disappointed by it then? Would you set your eyes on what is ahead and stop looking behind you?

Perspective will take us so far in life. In literally every situation we are in, our perspective has the ability to make or break us. We choose each day how we react, respond, engage. We are not exempt from hard situations, circumstances or bad days. We cannot control those things. But we can control our response to them. Our attitude and our effort are the two things we have complete control over.

So here’s my challenge to you. What if, the next time you hear the word no, you look ahead instead of behind? What if you put your effort on growing, learning, and moving forward? What if you let your eyes shine with possibilities instead of grow blurry with tears?

No is the greatest setup of all time friends. It truly is. It’s such a softball! But we have to swing at it. We can’t just sit down on the ground and watch it pass us by. If we will just shift our focus onto what is next, we will realize that everything we want is in front of us. It’s not behind you. All the good things are ahead. Please, I beg you friends, believe that. I am a living, breathing, walking example of this. So many times I thought my life was over. I was completely devastated by decisions made by other people in my life. I fell in a hole and mourned the loss of what I thought my life would be. Shift your focus to what is ahead of you, that is where your life is. Your future needs you, your past doesn’t.

We are really only limited by our own vision. You are either looking through the lens of possibility or the lens of limitation in every single moment of your day. Dare to see possibilities.