No Is Not a Bad Word

No. Most of us hate it. Some of us have never heard it. And others simply have never said it out loud. We say it in our head a lot, but can’t seem to form the words. When did no become such a taboo subject? Why are we so afraid to use no, but even more afraid to hear no.

No, has put me directly on the path of some of the best things in my life. Every closed door I’ve ever experienced has lead me to a much better open door. At the time, I didn’t like the closed door, was pretty mad about it even, but it was for my own good. Sometimes, no is our greatest protection.

I believe, one of the things that’s wrong with a lot of us is that we have not experienced no. We don’t know how to recover from it. It shuts us down, when really it should fuel us. Tell me know and I’ll prove you wrong. We’ve only ever been told we are wonderful, talented and gifted. Truthfully, we are all talented and gifted, but we aren’t all talented and gifted in every area, and we certainly aren’t always wonderful. Have you ever encountered me when I have gone a little too long without eating, or haven’t slept enough. We can’t be great at everything.

I can see in my interaction with college aged kids and young adults, full blown grown ones too for that matter, that I’m the first person telling them no sometimes. I can see it in their eyes when the word comes out. They are shocked and devastated. Guys, we are doing people a disservice by not being truthful with them. Use no as fuel to go get better. Let it be the fire that burns in you to accomplish better things. Let no make you better not bitter. Don’t be afraid to use it, and don’t reject it when you hear it. Trust the timing of your life, trust that the no’s will lead you down a path that’s better than the one you dreamed of. Much love and healthy no’s sweet friends.