Not a Moment Too Soon or Too Late

photo by Adrienne Neiman Photography

He saved me. But not in the way you’re thinking, I didn’t need to be rescued. I have always been independent and more than capable of tending to myself. In fact, I made a pact with myself at a young age that I would never rely on a man to meet my needs, it was important to me that I wanted someone, more than I needed them. He saved me from myself.

He saved me from my own negativity, and the thoughts that held me back. He held a mirror in front of my face and showed me my own potential. He came up beside me, took my hand and said let’s go. And he has walked with me, blindly, without direction or destination with a smile on his face and a firm grip on my hand.

He doesn’t lead me or follow me, he walks along side me. He saved me from my own limits and rescued me from my own fears. He saw the things I couldn’t see and showed me what I didn’t yet realize. He has dried my tears, calmed my fears, spoken truth into my life and been the brunt of my bad days. And still, he stands. Right there beside me, steady and true.

For so many years, I prayed for him and cried myself to sleep wondering what was so wrong with me that kept me from having this thing I desired so much. Marriage. Now, I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, I had to wait until I was ready. Until we were ready. We met at the age of 14, but we weren’t yet ready. Our paths crossed several times in our 20’s and 30’s but we weren’t quite ready. Not until that one day, August 20th, to be exact, did all the pieces start to fall into place. On that day, in that restaurant, it all began to become clear. Blessings don’t reveal themselves until you’re prepared to handle them with care. Thank you for handling me with such care and for erasing every fear that held me back. With my whole heart, for my whole life. Much love and sweet, timely blessings sweet friends.