On Fear

Fear, its such a tricky, sticky, yucky thing. Most of what we fear, never actually comes to pass. Some fear is protective, but mostly its just a barrier to keep us from what could be. I love the above quote, “being afraid of things going wrong isn’t the way to make things go right.” If you are not a fearful person, I applaud you. If you are, read on.

Friends, we are often so in our own heads about worst case scenario. What could go wrong. Why something might be a bad idea. What if, today, we look at what could go right? What if we thought about why something might be a good idea? I consider myself a positive person, I see the sunny side of life but I also see the dangers. Many of which aren’t even real.

I often keep myself from taking risks simply because of all the what ifs. I play it safe when I should go for it. I am naturally cautious, a calculated risk taker. If I’m honest, my greatest area for growth right now is in this area. I want to live bolder. I want to go for it. I want to see the possibilities instead of the limitations. Fortune favors the bold. I want to be bolder, and less fearful. I want to seize opportunities rather than fear them.

I am a work in progress. Friends, one of the most important things to be is aware. Humble yourself enough to see where you could grow. Seek out bold people that will encourage you to go for it. Find that balance. My significant other is very bold, he takes big risks. He loves adventure, risk and reward. He is good for me. Find your good person and go for it. Much love and fearless living sweet friends.