On Repeat

Noticed a pattern in your life? Ever heard yourself saying, “why does this keep happening to me?” Often, the reason is simply us. We haven’t learned what we needed to learn, haven’t made any changes, realized our worth, taken responsibility for our part, etc. There are many reasons why things keep repeating in our lives, but I can promise you they will not change until you do.

We have to recognize our part in every situation we are in. Blaming other people for your issues is only going to keep you where you are. When you are truly ready to move forward in your life, the first person you have to confront is yourself. I have been hurt badly by some people in my life, but I was in every situation also. I had a role and a responsibility in every situation I have experienced. Until I own my part in it, things will never change for me.

For years, I blamed other people for things that happened to me. I was also really good at self pity, feeling sorry for myself for the situations I was in rather than taking ownership of the situation. Friends, you have to own your life. It’s the only one you have. Don’t just sit there and let things happen to you. Take an active role in your life. You are not stuck, you are a human being with great capacity for change. If you want a different life, you have to take responsibility for your life and go out and create something better for yourself.

If you’re on the self pity train, please, for the love of all things get off! That train has no destination other than bitterness and resentment. If you want change in your life, you have to stand up and move. You have to decide that this life is not for you and go create a better one. You need to own your mistakes, your hurt, your pain but also your joy, your dream, and your drive. Those things are a wonderful indicator of what you really want in life. Chase those things. Above all, love yourself, and go create for yourself a life that you love!