One More Month

It’s hard to believe, but our wedding is one month away. Time flies by sweet friends. The last few weeks have been filled with the fun little details that I enjoy the most. Thinking through all the little nuances that make an event special. This is my happy place. I love all the little extras.

We have been working on our vows and it’s been so sweet to reflect on our love for one another. It has grown and changed over the last several months as we have transitioned into our new space. It’s become sweeter and richer because it has now been challenged. It’s been pushed and prodded and still it remains. It was a very testing time, but I am so thankful for the growth it produced in us.

I have never been more sure about any one thing, as I am about marrying Jarrett. He is all the good that each one of my days bring. He is my person. I cannot tell you the pain I endured to arrive at this place, but it was worth every single tear I ever cried. This is the way we are meant to be loved and I am so thankful we found each other again. There is an allowance that occurs when we love someone. We have to let down our guard and allow them to love us in return. It’s a scary, vulnerable place, but it brings the most beautiful peace. Settling into life with Jarrett has brought me the greatest joy.

As we enter into this final month of preparation, I just want to say thank you to all of our friends and family. You will never know how much we appreciate your love and support. Your showing up, sending gifts, making phone calls, sending cards, writing sweet comments…all of it. We feel your love and we are so honored to have you all in our lives. Thank you for loving us and supporting us on this incredible journey. Much love and 30 days to go sweet friends.