Opportunities vs. Obstacles

The last few days have been very challenging to say the least. I knew that there would be difficulties when starting this position at this time of the year, but I underestimated some of the challenges I would face. To be perfectly honest with you, I felt a little sorry for myself yesterday. I said things like, “no one has any idea how unfair it was for me to be put into these situations.” I threw myself a pity party and then I got back up, dusted myself off, put a little more lipstick on and moved forward.

Here is the thing guys, perspective is everything. Was coming into a small university, with a small staff, in the middle of a pandemic and a full sports season spring difficult? Yes. But it also came with great opportunity. Had I not come in, at this time, I would have waited an entire year to see all the sports live. I have the unique opportunity to get caught up on a year’s worth of work in only 2 months. I can truly prepare for the fall seasons because I have seen what is done at each venue and how it can be improved upon for next year.

Our perspective shapes our reality. We can view our lives as challenging, or we can view them beautiful. We can see obstacles or we can see opportunities. The truth is, this is the best way for me to learn this job. It is trial by fire to be sure, but I will come out of the other side with more knowledge, wisdom, and understanding than I would have at any other time in history. Athletics have never been played the way they are now, this is an opportunity to gain much experience in a short period of time.

Guys, I am a problem solver. I came here to help solve problems and sort out situations. I wanted to lead this team to success by setting an example of grace under pressure. Do I slip sometimes, no doubt. Do I lose my cool sometimes, absolutely. Sometimes that’s necessary too. But the fact remains than when faced with a challenge, we can stare it down and say game on, or curl up in a ball and cry about it. Both are valid responses, but only one gets the desired outcome. The challenge remains, regardless of our reaction to it. Adjust your lens sweet friends, you just might find opportunity disguised as an obstacle. Much love and opportunity sweet friends.